English Lavender Blossom Infused Avocado or Olive Oil


Beard Oil, Facial Serum, Body Oil, Massage Oil

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Our Michigan grown English Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) blossoms are slow infused into oil in a process that takes one month! It is then filtered twice, once through a fine mesh strainer and then through a cheesecloth.

The four varieties we use to infuse our oils are: Vera (herbal scent,) Munstead (floral scent,) Hidcote Blue (citrus scent) and Violet Intrigue (sweet scent.)

This is not an essential oil or essential oil infused tincture, this is genuine infused lavender blossom oil. The scent is subtle, not overwhelming. No fragrance oils, no essential oils added.

Uses:  Facial Serum, Hair Oil, Beard Oil, Massage Oil


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