So you went to the big box store and couldn’t resist bringing home that charming lavender topiary tree. It’s no surprise – lavender topiary miniature plants are truly eye-catching with their fragrant blooms and unique shape.
Many lavender topiary trees are created using varieties like ‘Goodwin Creek’ or ‘Stoechas’ lavender, known for their eye-catching blossoms and lovely scent.
Lavender is Not Meant to be Shaped into Topiary Trees
Lavender, with its delicate purple blooms and soothing fragrance, is a beloved plant in many gardens. However, it is important to understand that lavender was not meant to be a topiary plant. Aggressive pruning can actually injure the plant and compromise its health.
When lavender is pruned too harshly or shaped into intricate designs, it can disrupt its natural growth patterns and leave it vulnerable to diseases and pests.
Stripping the bottom leaves of lavender for topiary purposes can also hinder photosynthesis, which is a vital component for lavender’s survival.
To ensure the longevity and health of your lavender plants, it is best to allow lavender to grow in their natural form without excessive pruning or shaping. This will not only help them thrive but also preserve their beauty and aromatic qualities for years to come.
Common Varieties of Lavender Topiary Plants
Here are the three common varieties of lavender I have seen in topiary tree form:
Lavandula angustifolia or “English” Lavender Topiaries
English Lavender produces new growth on old woody stems near the base of the plant. Imagine what happens when you strip the bottom branches to create a topiary. Yes, the plant will eventually die because its lifeline has been severed.

Stoechas or Spanish Lavender Topiaries
Stoecha, or Spanish Lavender, topiaries with its alluring tufts that resemble butterfly wings are simply irresistible. These are the most common lavender topiaries that are sold in Michigan.
Unfortunately, they are sold at the height of their seductive blossoms. So you may be able to enjoy the blossoms for a week or two, if you are lucky. You may be able to get more blossoms by trimming the current blossoms when they are half spent.
Stoechas are annuals in Michigan. This means you cannot overwinter them. If your Stoecha Lavender topiary is still alive after the summer season: bring them inside to overwinter!
Those alluring Spanish Lavender blossoms make a lavender topiary irresistible:

Goodwin Creek Lavender Topiaries
They are around but difficult to find. Goodwin Creek Lavender topiary plants have the best chance of surviving due to their unique growth habit that sets them apart from other lavender types.
Other Reasons Why Lavender Topiaries Do Not Live Long:
Lavender dislikes too much water and fertilizer so resist the urge to treat her like the rest of your flowering plants!
Explore other reasons why your lavender topiary may be dying and potential remedies to save it:

Live English Lavender Plant 6 Pack For Sale | Hydroponic Starts
Buy Lavender Plants in a 6 Pack and Save!
This English lavender plant offering is for six different varieties of “grower’s choice” rooted starter lavender plugs. You will be pleasantly surprised with our different varieties of lavender: we have purples, blues, pinks and white! Comes with planting and care instructions.
Renee started out as an avid real estate blogger in 2006. Opting for a less stressful life, Paul and Renee moved to Michigan in 2018 and started a lavender farm in 2019.
There are very few resources available to aspiring lavender farmers for growing lavender, lavender aromatherapy and lavender culinary infusion.
Renee hopes to change and shake up the world of lavender by sharing her knowledge and experience she has gained by being a lavender farmer and aromatherapist with lavender lovers all over the world.
Discover more from Twin Flame Lavender Farm Michigan
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