Growing lavender from seed is not difficult – it is just different from growing other types of seed. Once you figure out the differences, there is no more battle with germinating lavender seeds.

Our guides cover all topics from cold stratification, busting lavender seed germinating myths to providing you with hacks to get those baby lavender plants quicker! We even share tips on specific varieties of lavender in this section so you will make the right decision when choosing your seeds.
Growing lavender from seed is very controversial in the lavender farming world. We are happy to report we have succeeded and our farm is 80% seed grown! We are delighted we can pass this information on to you so you may find success whether growing a small garden or a commercial farm.
5000 English Lavender Seeds!
Frozen Germination Method for Lavender Seeds
First Lavender Sprout Appears from Seed!
Seeds are Germinating!
3 Hacks, 4 Myths Busted & Comprehensive Guide for Successfully Germinating Lavender from Seed in 7 Days
When Do I Start My Lavender From Seed?
How We Grow 6000 Lavender Plants a Year Without a Greenhouse
How to Sucessfully Grow Lavender in Michigan (Comprehensive Guide)
Munstead Lavender: Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’
Hidcote Blue Lavender: Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote Blue’
Vera Lavender: Lavandula angustifolia ‘Vera’
The Myths Behind Growing Lavender From Seed – 4 Myths BUSTED!
Ellagance Snow Lavender: Lavandula angustifolia ‘Ellagance Snow’
Don’t have time to grow your own lavender from seed? Grab a 6 pack of our healthy English lavender starter plants:

Live English Lavender Plant 6 Pack For Sale | Hydroponic Starts
Buy Lavender Plants in a 6 Pack and Save!
This English lavender plant offering is for six different varieties of “grower’s choice” rooted starter lavender plugs. You will be pleasantly surprised with our different varieties of lavender: we have purples, blues, pinks and white! Comes with planting and care instructions.